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Fevzipasa District

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BÖLGE: # Fevzipasa District

Bolge İlan Açıklaması

Fevzipaşa neighborhood is one of the neighborhoods of Didim and is located between didim akbük as of its location.

Didim industrial site and its surroundings are known as fevzipaşa neighborhood.

Fevzipaşa neighborhood is known as the general name of the region covering the coastline from the golden to the akbüke. There are settlement areas in the region and a large part is composed of the protected area and the bushes.

As of 2017, although the land prices are high due to the fact that a large part of Fevzipaşa district does not have zoning, the land sales still continue.

There are projects planned for the future in Fevzipaşa neighborhood, and tourism and golf courses can be counted among these projects.

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Weather In Didim

27-02-2025 15:00:00

Sıcaklık : 14.05o C
Minimum Sıcaklık : 14.05o C
Maksimum Sıcaklık : 14.05o C
Basınç : 1021 hPa
Nem : 68 %
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