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Hisar District

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BÖLGE: # Hisar District

Bolge İlan Açıklaması

The neighborhood of Hisar neighborhood is located in the region of the upper part of the village of Didim apollon temple and up to the blueprint.

The Atatürk boulevard and the İnönü boulevard, which are the two main towns of Didimin, pass through this area. Didimin can be accepted as a departure point.

Despite the fact that a large part of the Hisar neighborhood is a protected area, settlements around this area have been formed rapidly.

Since the first settlements of Didyma have started to reside in this area, the region is also getting its new fortress name from here. In the area where the apollo temple is located in the center, the stone houses around the temple have been restored and sold for the last few years and they are working to return to the old days of the region.

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