Didim Real Estate Consultants Association President Osman Coşkun stated that the brochure prepared in Muğla on the occasion of productive and the things that foreigners should pay ...
8-thousand-year-old rock paintings five finger mountains there the 8 thousand-year-old rock paintings five finger Mountains, Tan in gravel. The German team is trying to save th...
Aydin, Didim district after 30 years of snow. Snowfall to Didim Akbük Akköy, Balat and connected with the Town, while effective in Osmanbey thickness 3 cm snowfall up to the peopl...
Didim Mayor Mimun Kamacı evaluated the ongoing editing work in Altinkum Beach at the weekly press conference. In addition to the Chairman Kamacı, Deputy Mayor Ahmet Karaoğlu, Direc...
Space Tribute, presented as a simulation in the form of specially designed films for elementary schools, garnered great acclaim from Didim Gonca Elementary School students.The spac...
250 grams of bread in Didim, 40 cents in some places, 50 cents in some places while the prices were being sold to reasonable levels of citizens were happyThe price competition amon...
Didim Governor Ersin Emiroglu, return visit within the scope of Didim Trade Room and visited the administration of Didim Chamber of tradesmen and artisans. Governor Beat him Di...
The International Volunteer Work Camp, which is held annually with the cooperation of the Youth Services Center and the didim municipality, also attracted young people from 20 diff...
Allen Provincial Directorate of national education within the scope of the Protocol signed between the Horizon with Concrete company in 2008 the foundation laid and 1 million cos...
Where is the most beautiful region of Didim?
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