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Completed Final Preparations For The Olive Festival In Didim

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Bölge: # Didim

Haber İlan Açıklaması

  Reveals the potential of olive and olive oil must be inserted in Didim, promotion and marketing in order to be held October 2012 20-21 is 1. The status of the program discussed in Didim Olive Festival.

 Under the leadership of the Chamber of agriculture in Didim in Didim Akbük, Didim, Didim and District municipalities in Izmir district Directorate of agriculture, Didim Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of tradesmen and artisans, Didim, Didim, Didim City Council Bail of tradesmen and artisans Cooperative, Didim Tourism high school with the support and contributions of the olive oil business district reveals the potential of putting the olives, promotion and marketing in order to be held October 2012 20-21 is 1.  The status of the program discussed in Didim Olive Festival.  Governor of Didim in Didim Trade meeting held in his room while meeting the Mayor of Didim Believer President Ersin Emiroglu Kail, Akbük Mayor Joseph Decamp, Didim Chamber of Agriculture President Bahattin Ganguly Didim Chamber of Commerce President Beat the horizon, Didim Chamber of tradesmen and artisans Yasar Pektaşoğlu, Didim food, agriculture and Livestock, the District Director of Eason and olive oil operators.  Speaking at the meeting, the Director of Agriculture first
 Eason of the Festival program, the Commission prepared, stating that the Union of the cities of the Mediterranean on Saturday, October 20, the general meeting of the Olive and then will start the Festival, he said.  
 Didim Chamber of Agriculture President Bahattin Ganguly is not in the hands of the General Assembly because of the program, the program for sure we did not clarify.  

 Governor Ersin Emiroglu should clarify the program's emphasis on the ' Mediterranean Olive has no connection to the General Assembly of the Union of cities and festivals; only 15 of the country's representatives will be here we want at the festival but we should determine our schedule.  In this sense, the future members of the Union on the 19th.  20 e General Assembly.  And then we we need to start the Festival.  the 21st day of the Moon Festival, or are we going to do. '' he said.

 Governor Ei participants after the speech of the Festival's history and expressed their opinions about the contents of a.  
 About 1.5 hour long after the meeting on Saturday, October 20, 2012 in Didim Olive Festival after the General Assembly will begin and will be followed by the Panel in the first Garden Of Sun hotel guests will be eating and Didim was decided to introduction of olive oil.  is on Sunday, October 21, organized, and then harvest activity in Akbük factories olive squeezed and afternoon Yalıköy to local people in the shows and folk music entertainment was decided to be done.  

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